Sunday, September 13, 2009


The bloody reticulated abdomen

of somnambulant zebras

is not to be mistaken for

the way my mother dances

in flowing shards of pink

volcanic glass

while drinking liquid stars

and laughing at the flowers

of unknown muskrats.

I have seen days when she flows

through amber rhythms of sound

and puffs her adder tail

to the melody of bladed

peacock tails which pierce her

to the heart

to find it made of cheesecake

and fine wine.

These were the days

when all the hoary headed ostriches

reached into their bags

to find the fluids of solar wealth—

those magic monkey chips

with which the other moons of green

had made their profound philosophies

of statuesque delirium.

Had I not flowed through those legs

like the ice of contaminated fleabane,

I might have mistaken them

for the years

in which your lovely breasts

of iron and fire

had grown into the corn of Babylon

the rich grains of flowing gems,

of vibrant, radiating hair.

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