In the black nights of dream
the whitewashed buildings
of exotic cities reflect
the moonlight like bones
in a graveyard. Deep shadows
dance in ponderous steps
across a desolate urban
landscape where I have
spent so many nights
wandering, searching, striving
to find an unknown beauty
woven of death and life.
Labyrinthine streets
guide my steps, but where?
The search for camaraderie
often seems futile as
doors slam and a single
long black shadow
follows in my wake.
Yet I hear the music
of the dead plucked on
vibrant strings, and it
resonates with an energy
that sings to me of
new life.
The twisting iron bones
of dead commerce
and industry
meander across a landscape
of ruin. Skyscrapers have
collapsed into piles
of twisted concrete, glass
and steel. Dangerous playgrounds
for a few daring madmen.
Scattered among the ruins
are rough encampments,
shantytowns living off
the death of the cities,
where daily life goes on
in spite of whatever
vast disasters
brought these cities
to the ground.
I find myself
in an ethereal forest
where trees dance
imperceptibly around me
and trail slide and slither
here and there like
iridescent snakes.
Nothing here is stable
or established.
There is no solid ground.
Chasms open suddenly
before me
and I fall
but never land.
I encounter
monstrous animals,
bears that tower
as high as trees,
a great coyote demon
howling at the moon
and lunging for my throat.
I devour this demonic beast
and in this conquer
the undulations
of this seething landscape
and make its delirium
my own.
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